Curated by Bill Arning with Tauba Auerbach, Chris Bogia, Carol Bove, Tom Burr, Julia Dault, Gabriel Dawe, Cheryl Donegan, Christian Eckart, Mark Flood, Danielle Frankenthal, Jeffrey Gibson, Nathan Green, Gilbert Hsiao, Paul Lee, Daniel Levine, Gavin Perry, Jack Pierson, Stephen Prina, and Brian Zink
December 02, 2013
July 13, 2013
Doppler, Parallel Art Space. Ridgewood, Queens, New York, July 13-August 18, 2013
Curated by Mel Prest with Steven Baris, Philadelphia, US, Richard Bottwin, New York City, US, Edgar Diehl, Wiesbaden, DE, Kevin Finklea, Philadelphia, US, Brent Hallard, San Francisco, US, José Heerkens, Zeeland, NL,Gilbert Hsiao, New York City, US, Gracia Khouw, Amsterdam, NL, Sarah Klein, San Francisco, US, Stephen Maine, New York City, US, Gay Outlaw, San Francisco, US, Mel Prest, San Francisco, US, Debra Ramsay, New York City, USA, lbert Roskam, Leiden, NL and Paris, FR, Karen Schifano, New York City, US, Iemke van Dijk, Leiden, NL, Henriëtte van 't Hoog, Amsterdam, NL, Ruth van Veenen, Haarlem, NL, Don Voisine, New York City, US, Nancy White, Redwood City, US, Guido Winkler, Leiden, NL
June 26, 2013
May 29, 2013
December 01, 2012
Buzz, Galeria Nara Roesler, San Paolo, Brazil, December 1, 2012 - February 23, 2013
Curated by Vik Muniz with Abraham Palatnik, Alexander Girard, Alexandre Wollner, Almir da Silva Mavignier, Aluísio Carvão, Angelo Venosa, Bridget Riley, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Felipe Barbosa, François Morellet, Fred Tomaselli, Gabriele Evertz, Geraldo de Barros, Gilbert Hsiao, Gyula Kosice, Heinz Mack, Hélio Oiticica, Hercules Barsotti, Hermelindo Fiaminghi, Iran do Espírito Santo, Israel Pedrosa, Iván Navarro, Ivan Serpa, Jesús Rafael Soto, Jim Isermann, José Patrício, Josef Albers, Julio Le Parc, Karin Davie, Larry Poons, Lothar Charoux, Lucia Koch, Luiz Sacilotto, Lygia Pape, Marc Handelman, Marcel Duchamp, Marcos Chaves, Mark Dagley, Markus Linnenbrink, Maurício Nogueira de Lima, Michelle Grabner, Olafur Eliasson, Paulo Roberto Leal, Peter Schuyff, Philippe Decrauzat, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Roberto Cabot, Rodolpho Parigi, Ross Bleckner, Rubem Ludolf, Sérgio Camargo, Suzanne Song, Tauba Auerbach, Tiago Tebet, Ubi Bava, Verner Panton, Victor Vasarely, Waldemar Cordeiro, Wayne Gonzales, Xylor Jane, and Yayoi Kusama.
Click here for video of show with Vik Muniz
For a PDF catalog of this show, email
Click here for video of show with Vik Muniz
For a PDF catalog of this show, email
June 15, 2012
April 05, 2012
Doppler Stop, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leiden, Berlin, Pula and Zagreb
For venues and dates click here.
Albert Roskam (Leiden, NL), Brent Hallard (San Francisco, CA, US), Debra Ramsay (New York, NY, US), Gay Outlaw (San Francisco, CA, US), Gilbert Hsiao (New York, NY, US), Gracia Khouw (Amsterdam, NL), Guido Winkler (Leiden, NL), Henriëtte van t’Hoog (Amsterdam, NL), Iemke van Dijk (Leiden, NL), José Heerkens (Zeeland, NL), Karen Schifano (New York, NY, US), Kevin Finklea (Philadelphia, PA, US), Mel Prest (San Francisco, CA, US), Nancy White (Redwood City, CA, US), Patricia Zarate (New York, NY, US), Richard Bottwin (New York, NY, US), Ruth van Veenen (Amsterdam, NL), Sarah Klein (San Francisco, CA, US), Steve Baris (Philadelphia, PA, US)
Albert Roskam (Leiden, NL), Brent Hallard (San Francisco, CA, US), Debra Ramsay (New York, NY, US), Gay Outlaw (San Francisco, CA, US), Gilbert Hsiao (New York, NY, US), Gracia Khouw (Amsterdam, NL), Guido Winkler (Leiden, NL), Henriëtte van t’Hoog (Amsterdam, NL), Iemke van Dijk (Leiden, NL), José Heerkens (Zeeland, NL), Karen Schifano (New York, NY, US), Kevin Finklea (Philadelphia, PA, US), Mel Prest (San Francisco, CA, US), Nancy White (Redwood City, CA, US), Patricia Zarate (New York, NY, US), Richard Bottwin (New York, NY, US), Ruth van Veenen (Amsterdam, NL), Sarah Klein (San Francisco, CA, US), Steve Baris (Philadelphia, PA, US)
Stop & Go 3-D, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leiden, Berlin, Pula and Zagreb
For venues and dates click here.
Taj Rosner, Laen Sanches, Santiago Caicedo de Roux, David Daniels, Abbey Luck, Sean Donnelly, Kalle Johansson, Bendik Kalatenborn, Sarah Klein, David Kwan,Johan Rijpma, Jeanne Stern, Albert Roskam, Molly Shwartz, Joey Fauureso, Iemke van Dijk, Brian MClave, Claudia Molitor, Gavin Peacock, Jodie Mack, Jenifer Schmidt, Kate Nartker, Mark de Weijer, Erik van Huisstede, Mel Prest and Andrew Kleindolph.
Taj Rosner, Laen Sanches, Santiago Caicedo de Roux, David Daniels, Abbey Luck, Sean Donnelly, Kalle Johansson, Bendik Kalatenborn, Sarah Klein, David Kwan,Johan Rijpma, Jeanne Stern, Albert Roskam, Molly Shwartz, Joey Fauureso, Iemke van Dijk, Brian MClave, Claudia Molitor, Gavin Peacock, Jodie Mack, Jenifer Schmidt, Kate Nartker, Mark de Weijer, Erik van Huisstede, Mel Prest and Andrew Kleindolph.
MINUS SPACE en Oaxaca: Panorama de 31 artistas internacionales, Multiple Cultural Venues, Oaxaca, Mexico, March 15-April 30, 2012
Josef Albers, Soledad Arias, Hartmut Böhm, Sharon Brant, Vicente Butron, Vincent Como, Mark Dagley, Julian Dashper, Linda Francis, Cris Gianakos, Daniel Göttin, Michelle Grabner, Lynne Harlow, Daniel G. Hill, Juan Raúl Hoyos, Gilbert Hsiao, Kyle Jenkins, Steve Lambert, Vincent Longo, Stephen Maine, Rossana Martínez, Russell Maltz, Manfred Mohr, Victoria Munro, Rose Nolan, Carrie Pollack, Erik Saxon, Robert Swain, Tilman, Jan van der Ploeg, Patricia Zarate
February 05, 2012
January 02, 2012
FutureShock OneTwo, dr julius\ap, Berlin, Germany, January 26-March 17, 2012
Hartmut Böhm [DE, Text Gregory Volk]; Ray Malone [GB]; Henriëtte van’t Hoog [NL]; Josef Linschinger [AT, Heidi Bierwisch]; Don Voisine [US]; Edgar Diehl [DE]; José Heerkens [NL]; Wolfgang Berndt [DE]; Burchard Vossmann [DE]; Riki Mijling [NL, Antoon Melissen]; David Rhodes [GB]; Gilbert Hsiao [US]; Daniel Göttin [CH]; Monika Brandmeier [DE]; Sabine Laidig [DE, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger]; Anette Haas [DE, Thomas Brasch]; John Aslanidis [AU]; Wolfram Ullrich [DE, Ralf Christofori]; Károly Keserü [HU, Patrick Heide]; Jan Maarten Voskuil [NL]; Stephan Ehrenhofer [AT]; Carles Valverde [ES, Kim Behm]; Marco Grassi [IT]; Pierre Juillerat [CH, Matthias Bleyl]; Siegfried Kreitner [DE]; Guido Winkler [NL]; Michael Graeve [AU]; Giles Ryder [AU]; Matthew Deleget [US]; Maik Teriete [DE, Jan Künemund]; Tim Stapel [DE, jfk]
November 26, 2011
Sternklar, Zweigstelle, Berlin, September 9-October 29, 2011
Thomas Bechinger, Mateo Cohen, Ruprecht Dreher, Isabelle Dyckerhoff, Ingrid Floss, James Geccelli, Gilbert Hsiao, Susanne Jung, Dittmar Krüger, Gerhard Mantz, Paola Neumann, Daniela Pukropski, David Rhodes, Andrea Schomburg, Wolfgang Schröder, Stefan Schröter und Elisabeth Sonneck. Curated by Michel Carmantrand.
November 03, 2011
The Light Space Project, Gallery Seescape, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 3-28, 2011
John Adair (AU/UK) - Angkrit Ajchariyasophon (TH) - John Aslanidis (AU) - Lucio Auri (DE/ AU) - Ki-won Hong (KR) - Gilbert Hsiao (DE) - Mit Jai Inn (TH) - Pierre Juillerat (DE) - Andrew Leslie (AU) - Sudsiri Pui-Ock (TH) - Giles Ryder (AU) -William Seeto(AU) - Thasnai Sethaseree (TH) -Tilman (DE) - Noraset Vaisayayakul (TH) - Savanhdary Vongpoothorn (AU) – Michele Zarro (AU)
March 24, 2011
January 20, 2011
December 12, 2010
merfach_multiple, dr julius, Berlin, Germany, December 12, 2010-February 13, 2011
Click here for the website of dr. julius | ausstellungen projekte
I love the Nightlife, Assemblage with various papers, 25 cm x 25 cm, 2010
I love the Nightlife, Assemblage with various papers, 25 cm x 25 cm, 2010
December 11, 2010
October 14, 2010
June 20, 2010
December 06, 2009
Pancake Astronaut, Forgotten Bar, Berlin, Germany, December 11, 2009
Paula Doepfner, Surya Gied, Gilbert Hsiao, Katja Kollowa, Ellen MacDonald, Alfons Pressnitz, Giles Tyder, Christina Stockhofe, Martin Walk, Tim Stapel, Benedikt Terwiel, Bastian Vogel, Sinta Wener, Jakob Zoche
Curated by Surya Gied
Untitled, 42 cm x 22 cm, acrylic on wood, 2009
Curated by Surya Gied
Untitled, 42 cm x 22 cm, acrylic on wood, 2009
August 10, 2009
May 06, 2009
December 21, 2008
December 12, 2008
August 30, 2008
Minus Space, PS 1 Contemporary Art Center, MoMA, Long Island City, NY, October 19, 2008-January 19, 2009
Curated by Phong Bui, publisher Brooklyn Rail
For Minus Space, click here
Participating Artists: Soledad Arias, Shinsuke Aso, Marcus Bering, Hartmut Böhm, Richard Bottwin, Sharon Brant, Michael Brennan, Henry Brown, Vicente Butron, Bibi Calderaro, Melanie Crader, Mark Dagley, Julian Dashper, Christopher Dean, Matthew Deleget, Lynne Eastaway, Gabriele Evertz, Daniel Feingold, Kevin Finklea, Linda Francis, Zipora Fried, Daniel Göttin, Julio Grinblatt, Billy Gruner, Terry Haggerty, Lynne Harlow, Gilbert Hsiao, Andrew Huston, Simon Ingram, Kyle Jenkins, Mick Johnson, Steve Karlik, Sarah Keighery, Danny Lacy, Andrew Leslie, Daniel Levine, Sylvan Lionni, Lotte Lyon, Gerhard Mantz, Rossana Martinez, Juan Matos Capote, Douglas Melini, Manfred Mohr, Salvatore Panatteri, Dirk Rathke, Karen Schifano, Analia Segal, Edward Shalala, Tilman, Li-Trincere, Jan van der Ploeg, Don Voisine, Douglas Witmer & Michael Zahn
August 21, 2008
American Abstract Artists: Tribute to Esphyr Slobodkina, Painting Center, New York, NY, Setpember 2-Setpember 27, 2008
For American Abstract Artists site, click here
For webiste of The Painting Center, click here.

Dual II (2007), 34" x 34", acrylic on wood panel
July 05, 2008
"The Speed of Colour," IS projects, Leyden, Netherlands, June 15-July 13, 2008
Erici de Nie, Tony Harding, Gilbert Hsiao, Henriëtte van 't Hoog, John de Rijke, John Tallman
Special limited edition box of prints of the artists from this show is available, for details click here.
For essay accompanying the box by Marijke Uittenbroek , click here.

'Spring', papersize 30x42cm, pigment piëzo print on Hahnemuhle, editon of 41

'Spring', papersize 30x42cm, pigment piëzo print on Hahnemuhle, editon of 41
February 22, 2008
"Peace," Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, January 19-March 2, 2008
For more information click here
For James Kalm video review of this show click here for part 1 and here for part 2

For James Kalm video review of this show click here for part 1 and here for part 2

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